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Unstoppable stories

Within each of us lies hidden gifts and an unstoppable power waiting to be discovered and unleashed into the world.


An ancient African word meaning "humanity to others". It is often described as reminding us that "I am what I am because of who we all are".

When we live in a world that celebrates individual success while downplaying the role of others in achieving our dreams. We often forget that others play an equal part in our achievements. When you share your gratitude, you will rise up higher than you could ever dream of. Let's celebrate and honor other people who have helped us along the way.

Ubuntu: On Whose Sholders We Stand is a collection of inspired authors sharing their tales of giving humanity to others.

Sacred Promise: An Anthology

Sacred Promise is an amazing collection of true stories courageously exploring the deeper meaning of existence, the journeys we travel and the challenges we overcome, inviting us to consider the true purpose of our lives and how we can take action on the sacred promises we make for ourselves.

This book has a profound message; if we are true to the inner voice that guides us, we will find meaning, beauty, clarity and direction, even in the darkest of times as we navigate our way to our true purpose. This collection connects us to voices deeply embedded in diversity and unique perspectives, the authors sharing their stories and the sacred promises they have made to themselves, each one so different, yet brought together by the collective sisterhood and universal longing for hope and positive change for the world. 'What a perfect and meaningful book for women by women! Dr. Tererai Trent has changed so many lives for the better through her actions on education, and she is a great inspiration for anyone who has heard her speak or read her writings. This book will enable readers to believe in themselves and aim higher for their goals in life.'Chunmei Maja Sun, Founder and President, China Business Center Europe (CBCE)

Naikan - Eintauchen ins Sein 2: 40 Jahre Naikan in Europa

Naikan ist eine einfache, jedoch sehr tief gehende Meditations-Methode, sich selbst zu erkennen, blockierende, aus der Kindheit oder späteren Traumatisierungen stammende Verhaltensmuster aufzulösen und das Leben zu verwirklichen, das wir leben wollen. Naikan öffnet in uns innere Türen, von denen wir oft nicht einmal ahnen, dass sie da sind. Keine andere Methode kann dies in so kurzer Zeit und führt uns zugleich in tiefste Schichten unseres Selbst. Trotzdem ist Naikan ein sicherer Weg dorthin, weil wir nur erfahren, für das wir bereit sind. So können wir uns mit uns selbst einlassen. 1980 fand im Buddhistischen Zentrum Scheibbs in Niederösterreich erstmals ein Naikan-Retreat außerhalb von Japan statt. Seither haben hunderte Naikan-Retreats allein im deutschsprachigen Raum stattgefunden und tausende Menschen haben in Naikan ein hilfreiches Instrument der Selbsterfahrung und Selbstheilung gefunden.

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